
Exploring the 7 chordExploring the 7 chord

Exploring the 7 chord

Learn all about the different variations of the 7 chord, how to make them on guitar, and what the differences…

4 years ago
What is a sus chord and how do you use it?What is a sus chord and how do you use it?

What is a sus chord and how do you use it?

Lean what a sus chord is, how to play them for the five open major chords, and why they're useful…

4 years ago
Harmonizing the minor scaleHarmonizing the minor scale

Harmonizing the minor scale

Learn how harmonizing the minor scale in each of the three forms: natural, harmonic, and melodic helps you understand minor-key…

4 years ago
A minor scales primerA minor scales primer

A minor scales primer

Here is a minor scales primer to help you learn the different forms of the minor scale and how to…

4 years ago
How do I play A on guitar?How do I play A on guitar?

How do I play A on guitar?

Discover how to find both the note and the chord A on guitar. It seems simple, but it gets more…

4 years ago