Learn all about the different variations of the 7 chord, how to make them on guitar, and what the differences between them are
Category: Learn Guitar
What is a sus chord and how do you use it?
Lean what a sus chord is, how to play them for the five open major chords, and why they’re useful chords for you to know
How to use a bass run to connect chords
Learn how the bass run gives you a powerful technique to transition between chords to add interest and variety to your playing in any genre
How to easily remember the minor pentatonic scale shapes
Learn a simple shape that reveals all minor pentatonic scale shapes on guitar and makes it easy to understand and move between scale boxes
How do you play notes between chords?
Learn to play notes between chords on guitar to move to a new level and make your playing far more interesting and fun for you and listeners.
How to play diminished chords on guitar
Learn how to make diminished chords on guitar and how to use them to create tension and release in your guitar playing for added interest
The anatomy of an A chord on guitar
Learn how much more useful technique and knowledge the open A chord on guitar holds than the simple cowboy chord you might have thought it is
How to use alternating bass notes to add interest to chords
Learn how the alternating bass note technique works, how to play it with various chords, and how it adds interest to your playing
How to harmonize the major scale on guitar
Learn to easily harmonize the major scale on guitar with a simple pattern that unlocks the chord structure of any major key
The anatomy of an E chord on guitar
Learn key understandings that the open E chord on guitar provides including moveable shapes, triads, the major pentatonic scale and more.